The Power of Immersive Photo Activations

Two People in a Bugs Bunny Immersive Photo Activation Booth

Picture this: You’re at an event and see a photo booth in the corner. You know the drill – grab your friends, have some fun and smile and possibly even get a print out. It’s fun, but it’s been done before! Now, imagine walking into a room where the photo or video activation is built into the set-up and event design. Where you can interact with it, the same way you can interact with other elements at the event. You’re transported into different worlds, you get to engage all of your senses and the best part – you get to instantly share your experience..

That’s what an immersive photo booth activation does & that’s what we do – create experiences.

One of the most significant advantages of an immersive photo booth activation is the opportunity for customisation and complete engagement with your audience/guests. The possibilities are quite honestly, endless! Whether it’s green screen, video content, full 360 content or something completely bespoke, every element and touchpoint points back to your brand. From pop ups at live concerts to long term sets at shopping centres, we can create an experience that kicks goals. And don’t be fooled – we say ‘photo’ booth activation because it’s a great term that everyone knows and can relate to, but really, it is so much more.

Now, let’s talk about the stats!

According to a study by EventMB, 63% of event planners believe experiential marketing is the most effective way to reach their target audience. And what better way to create an experience than with an immersive photo booth activation? In fact, research has shown that immersive experiences can increase brand loyalty by 27% and improve brand perception by 30%.

But it’s not just about the numbers and customisation. Immersive photo booth activations also offer social exposure like never before. With the rise of social media, people are sharing their experiences more than ever, and an immersive photo booth activation provides the perfect opportunity for guests to capture and share their memories. A recent study by Adobe found that millennials spend an average of 5.4 hours per day engaging with user-generated content.

Another advantage of an immersive photo booth activation is the opportunity for data collection. There’s a real opportunity to collect valuable data about your guests. From email addresses to specific information, you can use this information to follow up, increase sales, build your next marketing strategy and more importantly, build brand loyalty.

If you want to create an unforgettable experience, user generated content to trend all over social media & increase brand loyalty and awareness, then an immersive photo booth activation is the way to go. At Social Exposure, we are creative collaborators that understand the power of storytelling and the role of visual media in our everyday lives. Using cutting-edge technology, we take events to the next level. Let’s socialise – what are you waiting for?